Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Our school is called Haagas-secondary school. There is normal thinks like: Biljard tables, ping pong tables, couches, classes, auditorium, canteen and school yard.

Students think that our schools food is OK. Usually when we`re at school there is fun, but sometimes it sucks.

Our schools teachers are good compared to some other schools teachers. In our school teachers keep discipline and that`s good. Sometimes our school keeps theme-days, which is nice cause then we can do different thinks.

Our schools homepage is but they are in finnish so we think that you can`t read it very well :(

We could`t find any pictures of our school, but we will try to send them later. Our school have won many sport competitions, like football, skating, gymnastics and running.

Made by: Joona & Tommi 8A
Pictures: Reetta 8A